Dronagiri village of Chamoli district of Uttarakhand is located at a height of 14000 foot. The village is still angry with Lord Hanuman and do not worship him. The situation is now that red flags, symbol of Hanuman, in this village are prohibited.

This story is linked with Ramayana in which Lord Hanuman reached Dronagiri in search of an herb to save life of Laxman (Rama’s Brother). It is said that the people of Dronagiri used to worship a mountain and Lord Hanuman moved the mountain from here to Sri Lanka.

Looking around the village, Hanuman got confused. He asked an elderly woman in the village about the lifesaving herb. She pointed to a mountain. Hanuman flew to the mountain but he could not find the lifesaving medicine and decided to lift the mountain. The people were so angry that they put the old lady out of society.

It is said that the women of this village are still suffering the mistake of old lady. In this village special prayers are held of the mountain god. On that day, men are not served food from women. Two eras passed, but people did not forget this act of Hanuman.

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